• Outbreak of World War I and Azerbaijan


Outbreak of World War I and Azerbaijan

Struggle between the military - political blocs “Tripartite Alliance” and “Entente” led to the outbreak of the World War I, and this war by its scale and victims had no analog in prior human history.

Resources of Northern Azerbaijan served Russia and its allies Britain and France. Main enemy of these countries was Germany, and it was interested in tearing away Azerbaijan from Russia. Germany with participation of its ally the Ottoman Empire intended to include the Caucasus and Asia Minor in the sphere of its influence, and clear the way to India and Afghanistan. Geographical position of Azerbaijan and Baku oil became the strategic aims of the war. South Azerbaijan was part of the Iranian state of Qajar, which announced it would be neutral in the war.

The outbreak of war in summer 1914, provoked different reactions in some levels of the Azerbaijani society. Bourgeoisie, landowners and liberal intelligentsia came forward in defense of Russia during the war, and this situation was reflected in public statements, as well as in official documents and declarations. On June 21, 1914, under signature of Muslim fraction of IV State Duma in the journal “Milliyet” where had been published an appeal “To the Muslim population of Russia”, calling people to donate everything “to the glory of Russia and its integrity”.

Economy of Russia was reformed and put on a war footing. There were created the military-industrial committees. Militarization of the enterprises in the South Caucasus had reached a very high level. War demanded increasing amounts of oil, and more than 80 percent of produced oil in Russia fell to the share of Azerbaijan. Taxes from the peasants were increased by 50%. To meet the needs of the front had been requisitioned horses and bulls.

With the formation of the Caucasus front battles broke out in the Southern Azerbaijan, and Northern Azerbaijan became a front-line area. In Baku were housed large military units and due to them the population of the city was increased. In cities and uyezds were opened military hospitals.

Muslims in Russia had not been recruited in the army, instead of that, they had to pay a special tax. However, representatives of Azerbaijan aristocratic families could enter military schools. In the Russian army in 1914-1917, served about 200 officers. There was organized a single military unit made up of Azerbaijanis –Tatar (Azerbaijan) cavalry regiment. In those years in Baku was rapidly opened the first military school of Azerbaijan - Baku Officer’s Naval Aviation School.

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Outbreak of World War I and Azerbaijan

© National History Museum of Azerbaijan