• Aq Qoyunlu state

Aq Qoyunlu state

Along with playing an important role in the formation of the Azerbaijani people, the Aq Qoyunlus or Bayandurians also played an important role in the history of Azerbaijani statehood.

The head of the Aq Qoyunlu tribal union was Pahlavan bey from the Bayandur tribe. Kara Yuluq Osman bey founded the Aq Qoyunlu beylik with its center in Diyarbakir and cut money in his name. Kara Yuluq Osman Bey made large marches and captured most of Eastern Anatolia. After him, his sons Jahangir Mirza and in 1453 Hasan bey Bayandur headed the beyli. With the defeat of the Qara Qoyunlus in the Battle of Mush in 1467, the vast territory up to Baghdad fell into the hands of the Aq Qoyunlus. In 1468, Uzun Hasan founded the Aq Qoyunlu Empire.

During the reign of Uzun Hasan, the Aq Qoyunlu empire became a powerful military-political factor in the entire Middle East. Uzun Hasan pursued a policy of creating a strong centralized state. He drafted a special "Legislation" for this purpose. During the reigns of Aq Qoyunlu rulers Uzun Hasan, Sultan Khalil and Sultan Yagub, it was the peak of the development of science and art in the Aq Qoyunlu empire. About 60 scholars worked in the ruler's personal library. There was a scientific meeting of prominent scientists of the time in Uzun Hasan Palace. The great ruler translated the Holy Quran into Azerbaijani Turkish and wrote a book called "Kitabi-Diyarbakiriya" for the prominent scientist of the time Abu Bakr al-Tehrani.

After the death of Sultan Rustam, the Aghkoyunlular gradually declined as a result of internal strife. In 1499, the Aq Qoyunlu state was already divided into two parts. After the defeat of Sharur to the Qizilbash in 1501, the rule of the Aq Qoyunlus in Azerbaijan was ended. After the end of their rule in Iran by the Qizilbash in 1508, the Aq Qoyunlus completely collapsed and gave way to the Safavid state created by Sahil Ismail I.

Aq Qoyunlu state

© National History Museum of Azerbaijan